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Memaknai Kerja


selama beberapa bulan kemarin Hana ngerasa kalau hana useless (ngga berguna)..
Hana sering ngeluh begitu dan temen-temen Hana, umi bertanya balik apa yang membuat Hana merasa begitu?
I end up silent
I do not know the answer of their question
o I know but I am not quite sure that is the answer...

I end up asking myself
why do you feel this?
Am I useless because I can not do anything?
I feel like I did not make the society  better...
I feel I contribute less to society..

Feeling useless is sign of depression...
Am I depressed?

But then I realize i did not have any other sign of depression, i only feel that i am useless

14 September ini SALAM UI mengadakan evaluasi paruh tahun dan salah satu sesinya adalah sesi khusus bersama staf dan Ketua SALAM UI 16 (@ariefadit_ya) ...
Kak Arief menjelaskan kembali salah satu budaya SALAM UI 16 yaitu memaknai kerja, bahwa pekerjaan sekecil apapun itu berharga :) Dia mencontohkan seorang yang memiliki pekerjaan memasang skrup pada mobil dan dia memaknai pekerjaannya.. dia menganggap penting pekerjaannya.. tanpa sekrup, mobil tidak akan menjadi mobil dan mungkin akan terjadi kecelakaan

His statement made me reflect to my condition and it made me realize that after all this time I never appreciate what I have done...
 I always think I have not give the best and bigger effort...It quite made me sad that I am in my last year in SALAM UI but i did not became a better contributor...I often think that SALAM UI 16, my friends did not need me...I am quite replaceable...
I understand now that I did not appreciate task that I have done. I thought only big things that count... I should not do that..
Seharusnya Hana memaknai kerja Hana... bahwa sekecil apapun pekerjaannya itu tetap pekerjaan yang berharga..

 Sometimes we never realized that our little actions could mean big for other people.
 And with remembering these little positive things we got from other people, 
we know that live is actually not that bad. 
We are blessed in some ways.
(Ayu @flyingpig19) 

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