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Kapan libur?

Jumat,26 Desember 2008

Saat jam sudah menunjukkan pukul 5 pagi, Hana menggeliat malas. Mata Hana berat sekali untuk dibuka. Kupenjamkan mataku untuk kembali tidur. Namun nyamuk-nyamuk menggigiti Hana seolah-olah mereka tidak menginjinkan Hana tuk kembali tidur dan berusaha membangunkan Hana. Aku menggaruk-garuk tubuhku yang dipenuhi bentol-bentol. Setelah setengah jam bergulat mel;awan nyamuk akhirnya aku menyerah. Ok, Ok, nyamuk menang. Hana bangun dan bergegas shalat subuh.

‘Aaah... Menyebalkan kenapa hari ini ngga libur aja sih??? Kenapa sih SMANSAKA1 pelit banget soal ngasih libur??? Lagipula, kasian kan temen-temenku yang beragama kristen masa dikasih libur natal cuma sehari? ( Hana akui sebenernya mah Hana yang pengen libur).’ pikirku saat berjalan ke depan gang.

AdikHana yang bungsu aja, Memey udah dibagiin raport dari hari Rabu kemarin, 24 Desember 2008. Dia bahkan meledekku ketika Hana pamitan untuk pergi ke sekolah, “Je, masih sekolah? Masih jaman ke sekolah?”. Dia nyegir lebar. Terima kasih banyak, adikku tercinta untuk ejekannya.

Umiku bahkan kebingungan kenapa Hana begitu bersemngat pergi ke sekolah. Dan beliau juga bilang kalau semangatku sudah bukan semangan 45 lagi, tapi dua kali lipatnya alias semangat 90.

Sejujurnya, Hana juga males pergi ke sekolah. Tapi, Hana jadi perwakilan kelas (ngga mungkin kan Hana lari dari tanggung jawab?) untuk ikut lomba speech contest yang diadakan OSIS dalam mengisi class meeting. Yang menurut Hana acara semacam ini kurang cocok untuk ngisi class meering. Kenapa? Well, masalahnya speech contest tuh cuma melibatkan seorang per kelas. Gimana ngga pada males ke skul coba? Tapi, untungnya my school tuh berisi siswa-siswa pintar dan rajin. Hampir 75% muridnya masuk walaupun acaranya gj2 .

Dan ketika di sekolah, tubuh Hana kayaknya grogi berat. Buktinya Hana bolak-balik ke toilet terus-terusan. Walaupun, Hana mengaku pede dan berulang kali memberi sugesti bahwa hana tuh PD. Tapi, kayaknya tubuh Hana ngga bisa dibohongi. Otakku pun ikut-ikutan stres. Selain itu, aku berulang kali nguap, jadi pengen meluk guling or someone.

Dan tidak perlu dokter untuk mendiagnosa penyebab ketidakpedeanku. Semua ini gara-gara Hana ngga hapal teks yang kemarin Hana buat seharian. Aku terlalu menyepelekan sih. Aku pikir aku bisa menghapalkannya pagi2. Namun karena Hana bangun kesiangan jadinya ngga sempat ngapalin. What should I do??

Dan speech contesnya pun dimulai. Sialnya, nomor urut satu 12ipa4 blum dateng jadinya yang harus tampil pertama adalah nomor urut dua yang tidak lain dan tak bukan adalah 11ipa1.
Akulah yang harus tampil pertama.
Oooh... Tiiidaaak!!!
Aku menghirup napas dalam-dalam berjalan anggun dan melangkah pasti menju panggung. Aku pun menyerahkan teks buatanku ke pada juri dan aku pun mulai berpidato. Dan saking groginya, hana lupa beberapa kata.
Iya, iya, bukan beberapa kata tapi banyak kata, alias banyak kalimat, alias beberapa paragraf. Ini teksnya :

Assalammu’alaikum wr.wb.

Hello, Everyone! How are you today?
Let me introduce my self first. My name is Hana Bilqisthi. My class is eleven science one (CINEMA). And I would like to say thank to Allah because He always bless my life, and to my family, gang Norak, Indra Budi Utomo, and all of my friends who always support me. Love you all, Guys! And I also really thank you to the judges who give me opportunity to talk in front of you about my speech which entitled Green House Effect: One of Global Warming Problems.
I think everyone must have heard about Global warming and green house effect, right? Well, I also have. First time I heard about them is when I was first grade of junior high school. At that time, I thought green house effect which in Indonesia means efek rumah kaca, was there are so many holes at atmosphere because there are so many skyscrapers use glasses and that glasses reflect sunshine so the temperature on earth increase. I knew, I knew, I was so stupid at that time.
Then I read article about global warming and I found that I was totally wrong. The truth is green house effect is process by which absorption and emission of infrared radiation by atmosphere gases such as CO2, methane, tropospheric ozone, CFCs and nitrous oxide warm a planet’s lower atmosphere and surface. And Global warming is the increase in the average temperature of the Earth's near-surface air and oceans. And I found that fossil fuel burning, land-use change, and illegal loggings are some of the causes global warming. And do you know increasing global temperature will cause sea levels to rise and will change the amount and pattern of precipitation, likely including an expanse of the subtropical desert regions. Other likely effects include increases in the intensity of extreme weather events, changes in agricultural yields, modifications of trade routes, glacier retreat, species extinctions and increases in the ranges of disease vectors.
So, what can we do as a student to save the earth from global warming? It is really simple. You just have to reduce use of tissue; paper, and plastic bag, use things that can be recycle, and spread this message. It’s easy and you can start with reduce a tissue, a paper, and a plastic bag every single day, just one piece.
Maybe you will ask why we have to do that. Now, I will ask you, do you know the materials to make tissue, paper, and furniture? It is timber. And to fulfill our need of those things, many trees were cut. If the there are many forest is gone, so there will just few trees to decrease CO2 from air. There is important fact that I get when I watched Oprah Show, it said that to make a tissue there are 1400 species lose their home. Can you imagine that?! 1400 species? It is so many. I was so surprised when I knew it. Yeah, if know me maybe you knew that I always bring tissue every day and it made my friend call me Miss Tissue. I do not know that I was contributing in global warming indirectly. But I can fix my mistake and save the earth by reduce use of tissue; paper, and plastic bag, use things that can be recycle, and spread this message. So, if you ask me does it really helpful and can make changes? The answer is yes.

Well, after you heard my speech, I hope all of you reduce use of tissue; paper, and plastic bag, use things that can be recycle, and spread this message from now on. That is all from me. Thanks a lot for your attention.

Wassalammualaikum wr.wb.

Yang Hana coret artinya Hana lupa baca tu teks saat speech. Mungkin lebih tepat dibilang lupa ngomong, soalnya Hana ngga bawa teks pas speech.

Dan setelah berpidato, Hana ambil seribu langkah meninggalkan panggung. Hana ngga mau liat pesaing-pesaingku seperti apa. Masa bodo ah. (atau lebih tepat dibilang takut kali ya?).
Kata Ujang, ketua OSIS SMANSAKA saat ini, pengumumannya tahun depan alias januari 2009 karena belum dapet uang buat hadiahnya.
Jadi, harap sabar menunggu.

1SMANSAKA = SMA Negeri Satu Karawang
2gj = gak jelas
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