Have you ever read a story and then you suddenly fall in love with the character?
⃛ヾ(๑❛ ▿ ◠๑ )

I have fallen in love with many fictional characters, especially in the comic book (manga). (´▽`ʃƪ)♡
I used to think I fall in love with them because they are perfect and ideal. (♥ω♥ ) ~♪
Now, I realize they are actually neither perfect nor ideal. ∑(゚ロ゚〃)
I know, How silly of me!
Alhamdulillah, now I realize it!
Better late than never :p
They have their own strength, weakness, achievement, failure, doubt, and mistake but they still do not give up their dream and things that important to them.
That's what makes their story feels relate-able to me.
They teach me about being real, strong, bold, and optimist.
They are imperfect and I still love them. (*’∀’人)♥
I want to tell you who perfectionist like me, who think people will love you when you are perfect.
You are wrong!
I want you to know that you will never be perfect and that's okay.
It means you are human.
Accept all of you, the good and the bad side.
Being grateful for who you are and share the true you.
It does not mean you don't have to be improve.
I want you strive being the best version of your self!
Remember, being the best is not same with being perfect.
“You’re imperfect and you’re wired for struggle
but you are worthy of love and belonging.”
~Brene Brown
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